Hi friends!

I know my blog has been around for a bit, and while it’s been showcasing my wonderful clients so far, I wanted to expand its personality to include other important parts of my life. I love letting people in, and want you to know more about me!

Which brings us to the beloved intro post. Yaaaaaay!

As you hopefully already know since you’ve made it to this point, I’m Casey. Or Cassandra Shiree, if I’m in trouble and you need to use my full and middle names. I’m 26 and live just outside Seattle in Renton, WA with my husband Justin, my teeny 7 month old Olivia, and two sadly neglected cats. (Don’t worry, they’re outside all day living the dream and chasing mice!)

Are You There Blog? It's Me, Casey | Motherhood Blog | Cassandra Shiree Photography

Photo by the insanely talented Athena Grace

Usually I’m sitting on the floor doing bicycle kicks and tummy time with my sweet baby Olive while Justin is doing something ridiculous to make us laugh.

Here are five things you might not know about me…

  1. My husband is Canadian (eh!) so we often visit his family that are spread out around Canada. Go Habs go! (I’m such a poser – I don’t know anything about hockey…)
  2. I have a Harry Potter scar on my forehead, and anytime I’m even remotely sick or sad, I re-watch all the movies. Also I can basically recite the Chamber of Secrets word for word, it’s a talent. It’s leviOsa, not leviosA.
  3. I’m originally from Eugene, Oregon and am convinced I was hardwired to love the grey and gloom that lingers here in the Pacific Northwest. And you guys, FALL IS HERE! Helloooo rain!
  4. My love and obsession with all things Fixer Upper is off the charts. Justin just surprised me with a few Magnolia side tables and I’m just head over heels. My dream is to stay at the Magnolia House and meet Joanna Gaines, even though I would probably scare her off with all my fan-girling… Please be my best friend Jo.
  5. I’m a serial journal and planner collector, but I’ve only ever finished writing in one journal in my whole life. My husband pokes fun at me for liking planners when I have one built into my phone, but there’s just something so soothing about writing down what you need to do on Monday, and then having to cross it out and reschedule it for Wednesday. Ok maybe it’s inefficient but it’s an addiction and so, so worth it.

Another thing you may not know, but will definitely be hearing about if you follow me in any capacity, is that my pregnancy with Olivia wasn’t the easiest.

It wasn’t the most fun time of my life, I didn’t get that elusive (to me) glow, I didn’t even make it to 8 months. But was it worth it? Hell yes. In some of my upcoming posts, you can read more about our journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond.

Are You There Blog? It's Me, Casey | Motherhood Blog | Cassandra Shiree Photography

This was taken by my hunky hubs who learned the ins and outs of my camera while we were in the NICU!

I’m so looking forward to sharing more of my life with you all (I mean, hopefully there’s someone reading this).

I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good,


P.S. I promise I won’t end every post with a Harry Potter reference… Or will I?


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